Quark CPET

Supplier : Cosmed
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Assess, Measure, Improve Performance. Quark CPET Research grade stationary system for accurate and reliable metabolic measurements

The Quark CPET (Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test) is the ideal solution for accurate and reliable metabolic assessment of physiological response to exercise.

High-quality components and super-fast analyzers assure unsurpassed accuracy, reliability, and real breath-by-breath analysis of pulmonary gas exchange, even during high-intensity exercise.

Analysis (VO2, VCO2)

Automatic CPET Clinical Interpretation

Resting Energy Expenditure with mask

The easy-to-use and intuitive software guide the user through calibration and test execution.

Integrated diagnostic quality 12-lead Stress ECG (available either in wireless or patient cable configuration) (Option) with full disclosure and scroll back during test. High-resolution ECG processing         produces an exceptionally            clear on-screen display and allows detailed, reliable analysis of ST segments and minimal arrhythmia changes. Available with Resting and Exercise ECG interpre¬tation. 

The Quark CPET is available in multiple configurations, including, Canopy Nutritional Assessment, Pulse Oximetry, and a wide range of ergometers.

Mixing chamber for sport science and research applications (option)

Independently validated