In the panorama of sports and categories of athletes for which it is possible to carry out functional tests and training protocols with technological bio-feedback, golf represents a discipline rich in ideas and in some ways little explored.
Technological evaluation constitutes an important means of processing data useful for the athletic trainer to work on perfecting the gesture of his/her golfer.
In a discipline in which details and maximum concentration play a fundamental role for performance, it is essential to use the objective evaluation approach to explore every physical limit in a given district that is important for swing, the technical gesture par excellence in golf. Each point of weakness, in fact, translates into a specific technical defect and requires a path to build performance.
In this contribution we analyze how TecnoBody's approach with evaluation technology supports golf technicians and the specific courses the coach can take to treat the performance of the modern golfer.
The importance of the correct swing
The swing is the technical gesture par excellence in golf, the basic movement for each shot during the sessions of this discipline.
Many studies have shown in recent years that the swing gesture is among the most complex, second only to that of the pole vault.
To achieve a perfect swing, the golfer must focus on 4 different phases:
- • The positioning (Backswing),
- • the drop (Downswing),
- • the impact (Moment of truth),
- • the end (Follow-through)
The movement of arms, shoulders and wrists, together with the mobility and control of the trunk,determine the best gesture and therefore the highest performance
It goes without saying that the perfect swing does not exist, as it is mandatory to take into account the physical characteristics of a player, his motor skills and the events in the external environment at the time of the ascent and descent of the club.
But the swing can be trained in the right way. Preparation and analysis of the gesture determine a refinement of the technique and today it is essential for the technician to prepare the golfer by sensitizing him on the objectification of his strengths and weaknesses.
The muscular effort in the swing gesture
The swing turns out to be a perfect exercise to activate the muscles of the spine thanks to its threedimensional characteristics:
- • extension, in the sagittal plane;
- • rotation, on the transverse plane;
- • lateral flexion, on the frontal plane.
In fact, the swing fully respects the physiology of the human body and of the spine in particular, even though it is a very fine movement that requires maximum functional efficiency in the three planes of space.